OHS & Wellbeing
Our Approach to Healthy Management and Labor
At the Funai Soken Consulting Group, our people are our main asset. We recognize that ensuring occupational health and safety for all employees and directors is the most vital of all elements central to our corporate activities, and we strive constantly to maintain safe workplace environments conducive to mental and physical health and job satisfaction. Our priorities regarding labor are clearly stated in the group’s Basic Policy on Human Rights, which applies to all levels of our workforce.
Occupational Health and Safety Management System
The occupational health and safety management of the group is safeguarded under a system headed by Tatsuro Ono, director and executive vice president at Funai Soken Holdings, and with health and safety managers at each group company coordinated by the Funai Soken Holdings Human Resources Department. In keeping with the Industrial Safety and Health Act, group companies in Japan have health committees in which employees (including union members) and industrial physicians meet to discuss and implement measures to maintain and promote good health and prevent health problems.
The committees meet once a month to discuss employee workplace health and safety, in addition to monitoring information such as the number of employees on, and returning from, leave, the progress of health checkups, and the number of employees working long hours. We also strive to ensure more comfortable working environments through initiatives such as having industrial physicians inspect workplaces and advise from a medical perspective on improving employee health and working environments. Meeting minutes are posted on the intranet for employees to read.
Officer in charge | Tatsuro Ono, director and executive vice president, Funai Soken Holdings |
Deliberative body | Health and Safety Committee Important matters related to occupational health and safety discussed by the committee are tabled at board meetings for supervision in accordance with the prescribed standards. |
Coordination | Funai Soken Holdings Human Resources Department |
Workplace Safety: Targets and Outcomes
Our annual target for workplace safety is zero workplace accidents, and we report our performance to the Health and Safety Committee each year. In 2023, we narrowly missed our target with a final tally of three. These included two cases of falls at work and one case of a sprain while commuting. The events have been studied and preventive measures implemented, and we remain committed to eliminating workplace accidents. To date, we have never had an accident resulting in fatalities.
Safety Risk Assessments
Risk assessments relating to operational safety are carried out by our Health and Safety Committee and Risk Management Committee. For example, at Funai Soken Logistics’ warehouses, near misses are logged and risk assessments done to nip potential serious accidents in the bud.
Lost Time Incident Rate (LTIR)
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | |
Funai Soken Holdings Inc. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Funai Consulting Inc. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Funai Soken Digital Inc. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Countering the Issue of Overwork
・Our efforts to prevent overwork and maintain sustainable work levels are led by the Human Resources Department, which checks employees’ work hours throughout the month to make sure that non-statutory overtime hours (i.e., work hours beyond 40 hours per week) do not exceed 45 hours a month. If an employee is found to potentially be in excess of this, the department talks with that person’s immediate superior and requests correction of working hours.
・We also have measures in place to prevent health problems caused by overwork. For instance, an employee who works overtime in excess of the standards stipulated in the Industrial Safety and Health Act may be examined by an occupational physician, and the company may formulate corrective measures that incorporate the employee’s immediate superiors and the head of the Personnel Department. These opportunities are not limited to those who exceed the aforementioned standard (i.e., more than 45 hours but less than 80 hours per month); they are also available to those who work less than that.
Examples of Initiatives Implemented to Reduce Overtime
(1)Assignment rotation so as to equalize work; working with clients to seek win-win ways of making work more efficient
(2)Making overtime subject to approval requests so as to raise awareness among employees of the importance of time management
(3)“No overtime” days, in which employees coordinate to decide on which days are to be overtime free
(4)Official encouragement to take paid leave on certain days
Healthy Management Initiatives
Instilling Our Approach throughout the Group
Given the importance of ensuring correct understanding of the group’s policies and approaches regarding labor, we provide comprehensive training for all employees on topics such as human rights, occupational safety, and our philosophy and Group Purpose. As part of this, new recruits undergo training within their first 90 days on the job. And because our workforce is increasingly international, our Basic Policy on Human Rights, Basic Policy on Human Resources, and Group Purpose are translated into English and Chinese to ensure everyone can understand.
Promoting Physical and Mental Wellbeing

・Subsidizing Gastroscopic Exams
We subsidize the cost of gastrocamera exams for employees aged 35 or over who undergo the procedure as part of their annual health check-up.
・Subsidizing Follow-up Exams
Not taking follow-up exams can lead to health issues that impact work and private life.
When an employee’s annual health check-up results contain an advisory from the testing physician, we encourage the employee to undergo follow-up exams by subsidizing the cost.
Wellbeing: For a Healthy and Happy Workforce
Wellbeing is more than just physical health; it speaks of a broader happiness that also includes mental health and social satisfaction. Employees’ wellbeing leads to improved performance, individually and collectively, and that feeling of being engaged in rewarding work helps improve employee retention.
Proseed is the prime example of how the Funai Soken Consulting Group is working hard on employee wellbeing and healthy management.
Proseed’s Wellbeing Initiatives
1. Wellbeing Diagnosis
Proseed offers clients a diagnostic test to measure employees’ happiness. It consists of 56 questions on seven factors that contribute to wellbeing. The test is followed by a ction in the form of briefings and workshops to make improvements where needed in order to encourage greater awareness among companies and employees, so that both may seek happiness and satisfaction in a workplace climate of trust and worthwhile work.

2. The Wellbeing Customer Center Awards
The Wellbeing Customer Center Awards recognize companies who implement the Wellbeing Diagnosis and show outstanding performance. It focuses on the value and roles of customer service -the most human of occupations- and seeks to instill pride and boost happiness among the customer service workforce.