Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance
Our Basic View on Corporate Governance
At Funai Soken Holdings, we strive to strengthen our corporate governance with a focus on ensuring effective legal compliance and maximizing shareholder returns.
We believe that a proactive approach to disclosure is an important pillar of corporate governance, and we are committed to prompt and accurate disclosure of our current business activities and future business strategies through statutory announcements and through initiatives such as company briefings and individual meetings with institutional investors and analysts.
Funai Soken Holdings Corporate Governance Structure

For further details regarding the corporate governance of Funai Soken Holdings, refer to the Corporate Governance Report as submitted to the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
Board Composition and Skills Matrix
Directors | Audit and Supervisory Committee Members | ||||||||
President and Group CEO |
Director and executive vice president |
Director and executive officer |
Director | Director | Director | Director, A&S Comm. member |
Director, A&S Comm. member |
Director, A&S Comm. member |
Outside, independent |
Outside, independent |
Outside, independent |
Outside, independent |
Outside, independent |
Takayuki Nakatani | Tatsuro Ono | Motoki Haruta | Nobuyuki Isagawa | Taeko Yamamoto | Tomomi Murakami | Masahiro Hyakumura | Atsushi Nakao | Akihiro Kobayashi | |
Date of birth | Aug. 16, 1968 | May 8, 1963 | Jun. 9, 1980 | Dec. 8, 1966 | Oct. 1, 1964 | Jan. 23, 1968 | Feb. 27, 1965 | Dec. 21, 1969 | Dec. 19, 1970 |
Years in office (at end of Mar. 2024 shareholders’ meeting) |
4 | 17 | - | 8 | 1 | 1 | 8 | 8 | 8 |
Shares owned | 184,320 | 146,540 | 10,520 | - | - | - | 1,810 | - | - |
Attendance | |||||||||
Board meetings Mtgs. attended / mtgs. held (attendance rate) |
13/13(100%) | 13/13(100%) | - | 13/13(100%) | 10/10(100%) | 10/10(100%) | 13/13(100%) | 13/13(100%) | 13/13(100%) |
A&S Comm. meetings Mtgs. attended / mtgs. held (attendance rate) |
- | - | - | - | - | - | 13/13(100%) | 13/13(100%) | 13/13(100%) |
Nominating Committee Mtgs. attended / mtgs. held (attendance rate) |
○ 7/7(100%) |
● 7/7(100%) |
○ 7/7(100%) |
○ 7/7(100%) |
Successor Nominating Committee Mtgs. attended / mtgs. held (attendance rate) |
○ 1/1(100%) |
● 1/1(100%) |
○ 1/1(100%) |
○ 1/1(100%) |
Compensation Committee Mtgs. attended / mtgs. held (attendance rate) |
○ 5/5(100%) |
○ 5/5(100%) |
○ 5/5(100%) |
○ 5/5(100%) |
● 5/5(100%) |
Governance Committee Mtgs. attended / mtgs. held (attendance rate) |
○ 2/2(100%) |
○ 2/2(100%) |
○ 2/2(100%) |
○ 2/2(100%) |
● 2/2(100%) |
Sustainability Committee Mtgs. attended / mtgs. held (attendance rate) |
○ 3/3(100%) |
○ 2/2(100%) |
○ Appointed in Mar. 2024 |
○ 3/3(100%) |
● 2/2(100%) |
DX Promotion Committee Mtgs. attended / mtgs. held (attendance rate) |
○ 2/2(100%) |
● 1/2(50%) |
Risk Management Committeee Mtgs. attended / mtgs. held (attendance rate) |
● 8/8(100%) |
○ 8/8(100%) |
Internal Control Committee Mtgs. attended / mtgs. held (attendance rate) |
● 2/2(100%) |
○ 2/2(100%) |
○ Appointed in Mar. 2024 |
○ 2/2(100%) |
Skills | |||||||||
Corporate management | ● | ● | ● | ● | ● | ● | ● | ||
Sales, marketing | ● | ● | ● | ||||||
Finance | ● | ● | ● | ● | |||||
Compliance, risk management | ● | ● | |||||||
Governance, auditing | ● | ● | ● | ● | ● | ● | |||
Sustainability | ● | ● | ● | ||||||
IT, DX | ● | ||||||||
HR | ● | ● | |||||||
●Chairperson ○Member | |||||||||
Attendance rate is measured as a percentage of the number of meetings held since the appointment of each member. |
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As of Mar. 23, 2024
Board of Directors Composition
*Incl. Audit and Supervisory Committee members(As of Mar. 23, 2024)

Board of Directors
The Funai Soken Consulting Group is led by officers with diverse backgrounds in terms of expertise and experience, including directors with an in-depth knowledge of the group’s business and outside directors whose role is to audit the group from an independent and objective standpoint. Of nine directors, five are outside directors (some of whom bring management experience from other companies), seven are male, and two female. The board meets once a month, in principal.
When appointing directors, the board draws up a matrix outlining the major skills and specialties of its members, and the Nominating Committee (of which more than half of the members are outside directors) deliberates based on a diverse and varied assessment of capabilities and performance, and is determined by the Board of Directors.
We are serious about gender diversity in our Board of Directors, and have set a target that women will make up 30% of the board by 2030. As of March 25, 2024, two of the nine board members (22.2%) were women.
We do not believe it is necessary to appoint non-Japanese directors at present as most of our sales are derived within Japan.
In terms of Audit and Supervisory Committee members who are appointed to the Board of Directors ,there is one certified public accountant, with specialized knowledge of finance and accounting, and one lawyer, with specialized knowledge of legal affairs.
Business Portfolio Policy
To better concentrate our resources on businesses that can generate sustained returns in excess of cost of capital over the mid-to-long term, our portfolio is configured around businesses with earning potential and growth potential. We keep a careful watch on cost of capital as part of our process for establishing and publishing the group’s management strategies and plans, and list target figures for sales, operating income, and ROE in the Mid-Range Business Plan.
Disclosure Policy
Disclosure Policy
At Funai Soken Holdings Inc., we endeavor to disclose information to all stakeholders swiftly. Not only do we make the disclosures required under laws such as the Companies Act and the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, as well as the Tokyo Stock Exchange’s timely disclosure rules, but we also pursue a policy of proactive dissemination (to the extent possible) of unbiased information that we believe is conducive to promoting a deeper understanding of the Funai Soken Consulting Group.
Disclosure Methods
Important information covered by the Tokyo Stock Exchange’s timely disclosure rules is first presented to TSE for explanation, then made public by listing on TDnet, the TSE’s timely disclosure network. Upon uploading to TDnet, we immediately release the same information to the media and post it on our website.
In addition, we make a point of providing information that, while not required under the timely disclosure rules, is still conducive to the disclosure of accurate, unbiased information.
Meanwhile, if our information officer deems that one of our employees (limited to those engaged in the work of providing information to business associates) or officers has inadvertently divulged sensitive information, the information officer will report the matter to the president and make the pertinent information public by the prescribed methods.
Preventing Insider Trading
We have internal regulations to ensure appropriate administration of sensitive company information and prevent insider trading, and all Funai Soken Consulting Group employees are instructed and trained thoroughly on the matter.
Earnings Forecast and Other Projections
The forward-looking portions of the Funai Soken Consulting Group plans, outlooks, and strategies contained in our disclosure materials are built on the best judgments and suppositions we can make based on information available at the time. Actual results may differ greatly from these forecasts due to uncertainties, economic developments, risks, and other factors.
Quiet Period
We maintain a “quiet period” between the day following the closing of accounts each quarter and the publication of financial statements. To prevent leaking of sensitive information (e.g., financial data) and maintain impartiality of information disclosure, we do not answer questions relating to accounts, refuse all media interviews, and hold no briefings about the company or one-on-one meetings with analysts or institutional investors during the quiet period. Nonetheless, if a material event or fact arises during the quiet period, we will disclose it in accordance with the timely disclosure rules.
IR Activities
Dialogue with shareholders, investors, and securities analysts is overseen by the officer in charge of the Corporate Communication Office, who works with the president, appropriate directors and officers to determine the right approach in each case.
The Corporate Communication Office functions to support the company’s dialogue with shareholders and investors, working organically with the pertinent departments to collect information and exchange views based on expert insight.
We engage in dialogue in a variety of ways, including in-person meetings, phone calls, and online conferencing, as well as results briefings and small meetings. We try to be proactive in disclosing information, and are constantly working to enhance the contents of major disclosure tools such as the summary of financial results and integrated report.
Opinions received through stakeholder dialogue are shared with the board of directors and put to good internal use, for instance in management strategy reviews.
In stakeholder dialogue as elsewhere, we strive to maintain the accuracy and fairness of information disclosure, as well as proper administration of international information.
Major IR Activities since 2020

The three main values we at the Funai Soken Consulting Group hold dearest are encapsulated in the “Funai Way.” They are adventureship: converting change into momentum; empathy: a reliable partner for business owners; and integrity: a force for good.
We believe that our fundamental mission is to use the group’s consulting and other business activities not just in the pursuit of greater corporate value, but also to meet the expectations and earn the trust of our stakeholders, including clients, local communities, shareholders, investors, business partners, and our workforce.
To fulfill our corporate responsibility to society and to put “Integrity: a force for good” into practice, we have established the Funai Soken Consulting Group Corporate Ethics Code of Conduct and always strive to uphold high standards of fairness and ethics, and to behave in accordance with social norms in all aspects of our business.
The code of conduct sets out specific principles in three core areas: fulfillment of our social mission, compliance with laws and regulations, and behavioral guidelines.
Compliance Initiatives
The Funai Soken Consulting Group Corporate Ethics Code of Conduct and Regulations on Group Compliance establish clear, high standards for ethics and sensible behavior expected of our people.
Moreover, in order to prevent and rectify illegal conduct and behavior that violates social norms and corporate ethics, we have also instituted the Funai Soken Consulting Group Hotline Rules, under which we operate an internal hotline for anyone involved in the group.
In addition, we have established a framework to monitor compliance and identify problems throughout the group through close teamwork by the Funai Soken Holdings Legal Affairs & Risk Management Office and the executives in charge of compliance at the group’s operating companies.
Meanwhile, we strive to raise awareness of the importance of compliance among our whole workforce—officers and employees alike—through initiatives such as mandatory compliance training for new employees and compulsory e-learning courses on compliance and information security held at least three times a year.
Whistleblower System
Based on the Funai Soken Consulting Group Hotline Rules, we have established an Internal Whistleblower Hotline for people to report compliance violations, including breaches of the following basic policies and regulations. Whistleblower reports are directed to the head of the Legal Department, an outside director who serves on the Audit Committee, and an independent lawyer.
To protect whistleblowers, reports can be made anonymously by e-mail or telephone, the content of reports are kept confidential, and retaliation against whistleblowers is strictly prohibited.
Information on whistleblower reports is shared throughout the group, by inscribing the information on cards carried by officers, and making it available on the group intranet, which is accessible to all officers and employees.
Basic Policy on Eliminating Anti-Social Forces
It is our basic policy to block any and all connections with antisocial forces and to firmly reject their unreasonable demands.
To achieve this, we do not leave individual employees or departments to deal with approaches from antisocial forces alone, but instead apply the full force of our whole organization—thus protecting our people and dealing with the issues at hand—and constantly strive to strengthen cooperation with independent professionals such as the police and lawyers.
We refuse business transactions of any sort from antisocial forces, and if faced with their unreasonable demands, we firmly reject the demands and, if necessary, take legal action, both civil and criminal. We will never engage in backroom deals or provide payoffs to antisocial forces.
In practice, the Regulations on Group Compliance, which apply to all Funai Soken Consulting Group employees, stipulate details and require group employees to report any violation (or suspected violation) of those regulations through the Internal Whistleblower System.
Information Security
We work closely with mid-scale businesses and SMEs as they seek to negotiate the “new normal” of the post-Covid era, helping them seek growth, improved productivity, and development. The data we receive from clients as part of these efforts to bring joy to people and businesses is part of our huge wealth of information assets, which must be safeguarded from leaks and falsification. As such, information security is a high-materiality issue, and a vital element of our ESG management.
Information Security Initiatives
Our information security platform is founded on the Basic Policy on Information Security, with rules formulated to suit our business domains and contemporary trends, as well as solid information security management practice instilled throughout our workforce. Moreover, we constantly strive to bolster that platform and maintain a well-trained information security team.
Basic Policy on Information Security
We at Funai Soken Holdings and the companies of the Funai Soken Consulting Group (hereinafter collectively “the group”) have established this Basic Policy on Information Security in recognition of their duty to protect the group’s information assets, which includes information received from clients and business partners. All of the group’s officers and employees understand and comply with the policy, and strive to maintain and improve the group’s information security.
- 1. Internal Management Framework
The group will establish an information security management framework to maintain and improve information security, and will include information security measures as official in-house rules. Having established an information management framework, the group will endeavor to facilitate appropriate operation of information assets under its control.
- 2. Groupwide Involvement
Officers and employees whose work involves information assets (i.e., information obtained or obtainable in the course of the group’s corporate activity and information held in the course of work) will conduct training to ensure groupwide awareness of this policy, to instill knowledge and skills, and to ensure the integrity of the group’s security management measures.
- 3. Compliance with Legal and Contractual Requirements
The Group will not simply perform its legal, regulatory, and contractual obligations regarding information security, but will endeavor to meet the level of security expected by clients.
- 4. Internal Guidelines and Incident Response
The group will establish internal guidelines and written procedures, and clarify all aspects of handling personal information and other information assets. The group will not only endeavor to prevent the occurrence of any breach of law or contract, or other information security incident, and respond swiftly to any such breach or incident, and endeavor to prevent a recurrence, but will also ensure that all relevant people inside and outside the group are aware of the need to be vigilant and stand resolutely against information security breaches.
- 5. Robust Monitoring
The group will establish, and continually strive to improve, a framework for internal auditing of compliance with this policy, as well as pertinent guidelines and procedures. In doing so, the group seeks to demonstrate that all of its officers and employees comply with this policy and all other relevant rules.
- 6. Ongoing Improvements
The group will seek ongoing improvements in information security by reviewing this policy and related regulations and procedures, and periodically assessing the performance of information security measures.
Instituted: December 18, 2020
Revised: April 21, 2023
Takayuki Nakatani, president and CEO
Funai Soken Holdings Inc.
Information Security Risks
1 Information Asset Leaks
Today, data usage is increasingly digitalized and there are so many ways for using it, from core systems to software and cloud computing. The risk to the group’s information assets—including information received from clients—increases as more organizations become involved, as the volume of information expands, and as more systems are used.
2 Insufficient Access Procedures
As laws become more stringent and ever-advancing customer support means the data we hold is more confidential, any failure of rules or system access permissions to keep up with evolving security demands increases the risk of unauthorized access.
3 Damage to Vital Data, System Outages
Disruption to the upkeep and succession of skills acquired by IT staff, and failure to stay ahead of potential for increasingly sophisticated external attacks poses a risk to our systems and organizations dedicated to maintaining the confidentiality, reliability, usability, integrity, and security of information, and increase the risk of compromising business continuity.
Information Security Framework
1 Information Security Section
We have established a dedicated section to administer information security groupwide. The Information Security Section reports directly to the president, and offers objective, expert advice on info-security regarding all group companies, as well as incident response support, research, and assessment so as to raise the bar for security throughout the whole group.
2 Information Security Council
We have established a groupwide Information Security Council, which functions in cooperation with the Risk Management Committee and the Sustainability Committee to work with group companies’ key info-security staff in a concerted effort to maintain and strengthen our information security structure.
Information Security Initiatives Since 2021
1 Constant Strengthening of the Information Security Framework
Surveying the level of information security of all Funai Soken Consulting Group companies—with an updated test to cover areas relevant to digital transformation —and analyzing the results allows us to identify apparent and underlying issues, and to run the PDCA cycle to work on resolving them. To the right is an example of the radar chart used to plot the survey results.
2 Conducted Information Security Training
Our officers and employees handle a broad range of information. Knowing that a disciplined approach emphasizing strong individual awareness of the rules and of the relevance of information security to each of us is vital for ensuring secure, efficient use of information, employees of all ranks are required to undergo information security training every year.
Information Security e-Learning Overview
1 Information security 2 Privacy protection 3 Cyber attacks 4 Compliance 5 Information Security Manual
3 Stronger Security within the Information Systems Platform
- ①Preventing Information Asset Leaks
・Steadfast systems for safer digital transformation
The faster the digital transformation of the ways we use the group’s information assets—including information received from clients —the greater the risks. We have a groupwide framework in place to counter those risks, including thorough information security training for all ranks and enhanced systems for confirming the safety of software and cloud-based applications.・Risk assessments of systems
To avoid the emergence of “shadow IT,” Funai Consulting has established an Information Security Committee to perform pre-emptive risk assessments of information systems.・More Secure Remote Work Platforms
We endeavor to maintain systems that ensure information security without compromising our efforts to improve working practices, for instance by upgrading the authentication infrastructure of our remote work platforms. - ②Addressing Faults in Personal Information Access Procedures
Our legal departments work closely with group companies to ensure that procedures for handling personal information are up to date.
- ③Preventing Damage to Vital Data, System Outages
To ensure uninterrupted, safe use of reliable systems, those systems are subjected to testing upon installation and major updates, as well as periodic tests for the most vital systems, and even retesting by experts.
AI Policy and Governance
Here at the Funai Soken Consulting Group, we offer an extensive menu of consulting services, some of which use generative AI and other forms of artificial intelligence. We also strive to serve as a “living showroom,” testing and using AI services so as to present real-use model cases for our clients’ reference.
While AI can streamline the group’s and clients’ business operations and management, it also brings risks of disadvantage to stakeholders depending on how it is used. To prevent such risks occurring and deliver safe, appropriate AI services, the Board of Directors has voted to approve the group’s adoption of the policy set forth below.
All of the group’s officers and employees will comply with this policy when using AI and provide AI-based services as part of their efforts to carry out the Funai Soken Consulting Group Purpose.
AI Policy
- 1. People-oriented AI
We recognize the risk that AI may have biases and facilitate discrimination, and we are aware of the limitations of AI-based outputs. Therefore, we will take care to avoid overreliance on AI that may cause danger to life or physical wellbeing, or that may deny any person their dignity or potential; we will strive to use AI and provide AI-based services that expand human capability and enables all people to pursue happiness.
- 2. Fairness
We are aware of the possibility that AI may present biases, as a result of technical factors such as training data and algorithms, and as a result of how it is used. Therefore, when using AI and providing AI-based services, we will examine potential risks, monitor technological progression and societal changes, and constantly review management and operations of AI services.
- 3. Information Security
We recognize that data collected and learned in the course of using AI may contain important information, including confidential customer information and other personal information. To ensure the sure handling of such information, we will implement and strengthen information security measures throughout the entire lifecycle of AI: research, development, provision of services, and use.
- 4. Transparency and Accountability
In keeping with the nature and purpose of our AI-powered development and provision of AI services, we will strive for transparency in our use of AI, and will maintain appropriate communication with stakeholders.
- 5. Professional Development
We will provide education and practical training to enable employees to correctly understand this policy, and to use and promote AI proactively in accordance with this policy.
AI Governance
The Funai Soken Consulting Group has established the AI governance process set forth below to ensure the effectiveness of the group’s AI Policy and strive for fair, sound use of AI.
The Board of Directors has final responsibility for AI governance. The board’s role is to discuss and decide on important matters, and to instruct the Legal Compliance Department, which administers AI governance, and group companies’ compliance departments to manage and implement AI governance and deal with risks. The Legal Compliance Department reports to the board regarding AI governance, advises the board regarding rule reviews to address risks, and reports on other important matters.
The Legal Compliance Department will monitor and analyze laws, regulations, and government guidelines related to AI, and take necessary action, including reviewing the AI Policy and implementing measures necessary for the group as a whole. The office will also, as necessary, consult with the Risk Management Committee and Board of Directors to propose rules and measures the group may need, and implement these.
In addition, Legal Compliance Department and the group companies’ compliance departments will cooperate to assess the risks that group companies may face, formulate and implement appropriate rules based those assessments, and track compliance with those rules, all in keeping with the unique requirements of each group company in terms of business activities and maturity.
Breaches of rules governing the use of AI are to be handled by group companies’ compliance and legal departments, which will take appropriate action, including reporting to the Risk Management Committee and implementing measures to prevent recurrence.
Through consistent action and vigilance, we aim to gauge the effectiveness of the AI Policy and its attendant rules and regulations, identify any problems, and make improvements.
Established November 25, 2024
Basic Policy for the Prevention of Bribery & Corruption
The Board of Directors of Funai Soken Holdings has adopted the following Basic Policy for the Prevention of Bribery & Corruption for the Funai Soken Consulting Group. The board will periodically review the matters set forth below and initiatives taken with reference to actual operation of the policy and reports of violations or suspected violations.
The Funai Soken Consulting Group complies with the Japan’s Penal Code and the Unfair Competition Prevention Act,, as well as commercial bribery laws and regulations in China, the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act,, and other bribery-related laws and regulations applicable to the group. We do not engage in practices such as improper payments, gifts, services, or entertainment to Japanese or foreign public officials, or engage in any act that would constitute an illegal bribe in
the relevant country or constitute a bribe of foreign officials under the Unfair Competition Prevention Law.
In addition, we do not tolerate and will not engage in money laundering, obstruction of justice, embezzlement, abuse of authority, extortion of business partners, conflicts of interest, insider trading, or any other corrupt practices.
To achieve this, we have established an Internal Whistleblower System, in-house rules, and other mechanisms for the prevention of bribery and corruption, and we constantly monitor and strive to improve these as necessary. We will endeavor to ensure that all officers and employees fully understand the details of anti-bribery and anti-corruption regulations and uphold high ethical standards through training and internal publicity.
Anti-bribery & Anti-corruption Initiatives
In practice, the Regulations on Group Compliance, which apply to all Funai Soken Consulting Group executive and employees, stipulate details and require group officers and employees to report any violation (or suspected violation) of those regulations through the Internal Whistleblower System.
Compliance with regulations is monitored regularly through internal oversight and reported to the board of directors. If a violation or suspected violation of the basic policy or regulations is reported, the Risk Management Committee reviews the incident reports to the board. Based on these reports, the board determines whether or not a review of the anti-corruption compliance system and the basic policy is required.
It is vital that every executive and employee knows and understands the basic policy, and we will continue to implement various education and awareness activities.
Disclosure of Anti-corruption Information
The table below contains figures pertaining to anti-corruption incidents.
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | |
Total political donations (in yen) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Officers and employees dismissed or otherwise subjected to disciplinary action under the group’s anti-corruption policy | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Disciplinary action, fines, or regulation breaches relating to bribery | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Basic Policy on Fair Trade Practices
At the Funai Soken Consulting Group, we have instituted the Basic Policy on Fair Trade Practices to ensure compliance with laws and regulations and promote fairness in business activities.
- 1. We recognize the importance of preventing anti-competitive practices and will not engage in collusion or any other unfair practices that impede competition, and will compete appropriately in the marketplace to provide services in a healthy manner.
- 2. We will not participate in transactions that infringe on the rights of third parties, and will comply with all Japanese and foreign laws and regulations, including anti-monopoly laws and subcontracting laws, when transacting business.
- 3. We will establish relationships with our business partners, contractors, and alliance partners on equality, fairness, and cooperation.
- 4. We will not engage in transactions with clients or business partners for the benefit of a specific individual or third party.
- 5. We will not request money or goods without reasonable cause; nor will we provide or accept entertainment or gifts beyond the bounds of social norms.
- 6. When selecting business partners, contractors, and alliance partners, we will consider not only economic benefits and repercussions, but also compliance implications, including environmental and social impact.
Policy Regarding Taxation
Policy Regarding Taxation
In accordance with the Funai Soken Consulting Group Corporate Ethics Code of Conduct, we are committed to transparency in corporate accounting. When it comes to taxation, we recognize the need for increased transparency and the importance of compliance and appropriate payment of taxes in relevant jurisdictions.
How Much Tax Do We Pay?
The table below shows the corporate taxes paid by the Funai Soken Consulting Group in relevant jurisdictions.
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | |
Japan | 2,106 | 2,233 | 1,699 | 2,623 | 2,717 |
China | 4 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 7 |